There are number of educational institutes, colleges and universities in Lahore. Every university is having own values, education system, plus points and negative points, but some are really highly distinguished academic Universities of Lahore. So we compiled list of top 10 universities of Lahore. Its not the official rating and there are no recommendations based on it. The official educational institutes rating provider is Higher Education Commission of Pakistan aka HEC.
Top 10 Universities of Lahore
1. Lahore University of Management Sciences
The university was granted a charter by the government of Pakistan in March 1985. In 1986LUMS launched its Business School with a world-class MBA programme (recently the School has been renamed as the Suleman Dawood School of Business). In 1994, LUMS started a BSc Honors Programme in Economics and Computer Science. Over Subsequent years this evolved to include more specializations.
Lahore University of Management Sciences | |
Moto:Established:Type: Vice-Chancellor:Short name: Affiliations: Website: Address: Contact Number: |
Salute to Education1984 Private Dr. Sohail H. Naqvee LUMSHEC, Sector U, DHA(042) 35608000 |
2. University of the Punjab
The University of the Punjab came into existence as a result of a long drawn struggle of the people of Punjab after the Indian Mutiny in 1857. Gottlieb Wilhelm Leitner was the founder of the university. Contrary to the three previously established universities, which were only examining institutions, the University of the Punjab was both teaching as well as examining body right from the beginning.
From its formation in 1882 until 1947, the University of the Punjab served the educational needs of the entire region of pre-independence Punjab and northern India. Mohindra College, Patiala was the first college of higher learning to affiliate with University of Punjab in 1882; followed by St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. The independence of Pakistan in 1947reduced the geographical jurisdiction of the university, as it was split into two separate universities in the respective countries. The Indian portion of the university is referred to as Punjab University. The current Institute of Administrative Sciences was created in 1962. Many major institutions that were previously affiliated to Punjab University have now become independent universities on their own, such as Government College University, Lahore and Medical and Engineering Colleges.Campus:
- Allama Iqbal Campus: also known as the old campus, located in the centre of Lahore, it is named after the great South Asian thinker and mystic poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal. The campus houses the Senate, the Syndicate, the Selection Board and the Advanced Studies & Research Board are generally held there.
- Quaid-i-Azam Campus: also known as the new campus, it is named after the founder of Pakistan and is located 12 kilometers to the south of the Allama Iqbal Campus. Spread over an area of 1,700 acres of lush green landscape this campus is the center of academic and administrative activities of the university. A canal divides the academic blocks from the student lodgings.
University of the Punjab | |
Moto:Established: Type: Vice-Chancellor: Affiliations: Website: Short name: Contact Number: |
Iman, Ittehad, Tanzeem1882 Public Mujahid Kamran HEC, PEC PU (042) 990161201-5 |
3. Kinnaird Women University
The college was established at the start of the 20th century when it was housed near Kinnaird High School. Initial tuition focused on Intermediate classes beginning in 1913, followed by B.A. classes four years later. The college moved to Jail Road in 1926 after it was determined that more space was needed. In 1933, the college acquired land near Lahore’s canal and new buildings were constructed to house the increasing numbers of girls studying at the college. By 1939 the college had grown into a 20-acre campus.
Kinnaird College, the premier women’s college in Pakistan, was founded in 1913by the Zenana and Bible Medical Mission, now called Interserve. Pupils of Kinnaird High School pleaded to continue their education. so the first Intermediate class (FA) started with Miss Joan McDonald as Principal. BA classes commenced in1917. The American Presbyterian Mission and the Church Missionary Society joined in 1919 to make Kinnaird a union institution. Others followed. From 1913to 1922 the college was the only women’s liberal arts college in the Punjab.
The science department was not founded until 1950 – two world wars, lack of finance and partition of the subcontinent were the main hindrances. The student body grew from 6 to 170 by 1951. The early students were mainly Christians joined by more and more Hindus. Kinnaird College moved from its first site in and around Kinnaird High School in 1926 to Lake Road, and in 1938 to its present site. In 1932 the Principal, Miss McNair, agonized about moving to Agra where the College had been offered the campus of St. John’s College. This offer was declined, and Kinnaird with its campus was preserved. After independence of Pakistan 1947, the Hindu and Sikh students migrated to India while Muslims migrated to Pakistan. Kinnaird College has became a predominantly Muslim college.
Kinnaird College for Women | |
Moto: Established: Website: Type: Short name: Address: Contact Number: |
Light to Guide us, Courage to support us and love to unite us1913 Public KC 93- Jail road, Lahore(042) 99203781 |
4. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology (FAST) was founded and established by BCCI financier Hasan Abidi that provided a large financial capital for university’s purpose to promote research in computer sciences and emerging technologies in 1980. Established in2000, it is regarded as one of the leading technical universities in Pakistan.
- Undergraduate
- Postgraduate
- Doctoral studies in engineering
- Management sciences
- Business administration
- Humanities
- Arts and natural and social sciences
It is consistently ranked among one of the leading and top institutions of higher learning in the country, securing its top rank in the computer sciences/IT category by the HEC in 2010. The university’s guidelines are committed to producing graduates of the highest order who may act as vanguard of the IT Revolution in Pakistan.
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences | |
Moto: Established: Type: Short name: Affiliations: Website: Address: Contact Number: |
Who has taught by the pen, has taught Man that which he knew not.2000 Private FAST-NU, NUCES HEC, PEC Block B, Faisal Town (042) 111-128-128 |
5. University of Engineering and Technology

University of Engineering and Technology | |
Moto:Established: Type: Short name: Affiliations: Website: Address: Contact Number: |
Read in the name thy Lord who creates!1921 Public Research UET HEC, PEC G.T. Road (042) 99029258 |
6. Lahore College for Women University
Lahore College for Women University is an independent women’s university in Lahore, founded as a women’s college in1922. One of the oldest female institutions of Pakistan, the university has 15,000 students and a teaching faculty of 450. It admits students at the intermediate,bachelors level master’s and Ph.D. levels.Established in May 1922 as an intermediate residential college, it was housed in a building on Hall Road, Lahore, with a strength of 60 students, 25 of whom were boarders and 13 staff members.As per ranking of general universities, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) ranks Lahore College for Women University at 15.
Lahore College For Woman University | |
Moto:Established: Type: Short name: Website: Address: Contact Number: |
Discipline Ensures Success1922 Public LC Near Wapda Flats, Jail Road (042) 992038019 |
7. King Edward Medical University

On December 21, 1911, Lahore Medical College was renamed King Edward Medical College in Honor of the late King and Emperor and was elevated to the status of an independent, degree-granting university on May 12, 2005, when it became King Edward Medical University.
King Edward Medical University | |
Moto:Established: Type: Website: Address: Contact Number: |
Altapete1860 Public Mayo Hospital Road, Nelagumbad, Anarkali (042) 99211145 |
8. Government College University
The GCU offers wide range of programs for undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies with a strong emphasis on science and arts. Its departments of physics and mathematics holds an international prestige and retains distinguish image for world-class research and development in the country as well as in the world. As of current, the GCU has four faculties within which there are 29 academic departments; there are four research institutes associated with the GCU.The GCU secured its second position in the “medium category” by the HEC in 2013. In addition, the GCU has the highest graduation rate in the country, with an average of 95.5% annually. Alumni of the GCU are called Ravians which is derived word from the name of the student magazine “Ravi”, published by the administration of the college; the magazine name is inspired by the Ravi River.The GCU is noted for its historical roots and attracted notable scholars such as Leitner, Salam and philosopher Iqbal to studied and became alumnus of the GCU.
Government College University, Lahore | |
Historical Moto:New Moto: Established: Type: Short name: Mascot: Website: Address: Contact Number: |
Educating People For TomorrowCourage to Know 1864 Public GCU Ravians Near Nasir Bagh, Katchery Road (042) 111-000-010 |
9. Forman Christian College

Forman Christian College | |
Moto:Established: Type: Short name: Website: Address: Contact Number: |
By Love, serve one another1864 Private FCC Zahoor Elahi Road (042) 9231581 |
10. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
The University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, is a public research university. It has additional teaching campuses in rural areas of Punjab, Pattoki and Jhang.Established in 1882, it is one of the oldest institution of veterinary sciences and microbiology in Asia and is one of the institution founded by the Great Britain.Since its inception, it maintained its reoccupation as one of the famous and renown institution Veterinary and animal sciences, and conducts wide range of research in microbiology and development of human resource. The university offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programmes in diverse fields of animals health, food irradiation,security and safety. The university maintains its highest ranks and regarded as one of the top university in “agriculture” category by the HEC, as of 2010.Commercialization of research and expertise from the university also plays and generates significant economic growth and business opportunities in Pakistan, as many recommendation by universities think tanks are adopted by the government.The university’s own programme is focused towards building efforts on poverty reduction, prosperity, livestock production and building a generation of trained manpower in the country.
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences | |
Established:Type: Short name: Website: Address: Contact Number: |
1882 Public UVAS Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Road (042) 99211374 |
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